The choir competition is divided into seven categories:

1. Children Category (CCGC-CC)
All participant of choir competition in this category must be aged max. 12 years on 4th September 2023, and a maximum of 4 (four) choristers with one-year over age 12 years is allowed. This category is for treble voice or equal voices (S, MS, A). There is no distinction between boy and girl participant in this category.
2. Teenager Category (CCGC-TC)
All participant of choir competition in this category must be aged max. 15 years on 4th September 2023, and a maximum of 4 (four) choristers with one-year over age 15 years is allowed. This category is for treble voice or equal voices (S, MS, A). There is no distinction between boy and girl participant in this category.
3. Mixed Youth Category (CCGC-MYC)
All participant of choir competition in this category must be aged max. 18 years on 4th September 2023, with a maximum of 4 (four) choristers with one-year over age 18 years is allowed. This category is for mixed voices (S, A/MS, T, B/Bar).
4. Mixed Choir Category (CCGC-MCC)
All participant of choir competition in this category must be aged min. 18 years on 4th September 2023, with a maximum of 4 (four) choristers with one-year under age 18 years is allowed. This category is for mixed voices (S, A/MS, T, B/Bar).
5. Folk Song Category (CCGC-FSC)
All choirs can follow this category, there is no age limit and there is no distinction between boy (male) and girl (female) participant in this category. This category is for treble voice or equal voices (S, MS, A or T, Bar, B) and mixed voices (S, A/MS, T, B/Bar). In this category, participant will present repertoires with theme of folk song.
6. Popular Music Category (CCGC-PMC)
All choirs can follow this category, there is no age limit and there is no distinction between boy (male) and girl (female) participant in this category. This category is for treble voice or equal voices (S, MS, A or T, Bar, B) and mixed voices (S, A/MS, T, B/Bar). In this category, participant will present repertoires with theme of popular music (jazz music, dangdut music, etc.).
7. Music of Religion Category (CCGC-MoRC)
All choirs can follow this category, there is no age limit and there is no distinction between boy (male) and girl (female) participant in this category. This category is for treble voice or equal voices (S, MS, A or T, Bar, B) and mixed voices (S, A/MS, T, B/Bar). In this category, participant will present repertoires with theme of religious music, sacred music, gospel spiritual music, etc.


Grand Champion

  1. The category winners in each category will automatically compete in the Grand Champion round.
  2. The jury panel with special consideration may choose participant who are not the category winners to compete in the Grand Champion round.
  3. The participant, who are selected to compete in the Grand Champion round, must take part in the Grand Champion round.
  4. Sanction for the participant who do not take part in the Grand Champion round is not going to earn the certificate, a medal, a trophy and / or the prizes money that should be their right, but still holds the predicate in accordance with its achievements during the competition round.